Saturday, April 7, 2012

Shar Digital Metronomes

The Shar MetroTone Digital Metronome is a unique device. It has a large rotary dial right on the front of it which makes tempo selection simple and easy. It has a unique capability to remember the last tempo that was played even when the metronome is shut off. This way, when it is turned back on, you will be able to resume practice. The beat of this metronome can easily be heard over even a grand piano. Each measure has a first beat that sounds different from the rest to allow you to select how many beats per measure you'd like, and to be able to then distinguish between the different measures according to sound. This metronome has an LED light that blinks green during the first measure and red for all others, providing a visual cue on which measure is first.

The Shar Digital Metronome and Tuner is similar to the MetroTone mentioned above, but it has the function of a chromatic tuner as well. It also has a rotary dial, but it is located on the side of the metronome. It is just as easy to access as the MetroTone's. This particular metronome is unique as well and is ideal for Baroque tuning. Its LCD screen is larger than most, and along with its large dial, it is very easy to use and view. This metronome generates eighty-eight tones, nine beats, six rhythms with tones including chime, drum, and woodblock, and a 30-250 beat range. So many features in one little device! The different sounds are fun to listen to and great to play with any instrument.

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